Are the race riots in Baltimore and in other cities just the beginning? I do not know. However, we must begin immediately, like now, in every city in America, particularly in inner cities, to gather the honorable leaders of the black community, with the city officials, police and fire, and other major officials to have ongoing, honest meetings to discuss any issues that people think exist.

Learn more by watching the video below:


Attorney Corky Goldstein has been a radio and TV commentator on all issues in the law for many years on his own shows. He also frequently appeared on Court TV, “It’s Your Call With Lynn Doyle,” produced in Philadelphia and shown nationally, and on “Comcast Newsmakers” for the PA Bar Association. One client put it best, “If I have any legal concern on any issue at all, I sit down and talk to Corky and get his input. His experience and competency in the law cannot be matched.” Another client said,: “Corky knows everybody, particularly all of the people involved in the criminal justice system.”

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