115 Carlisle St.
New Oxford, PA 17350
717-991-5919 (Use Direct Line)
Open Thur. 5pm to 7pm – No Appointment Needed! Other Daytime and Evening Appointments Available
The criminal defense lawyers at Mooney & Associates are focused on service to their clients. They meet with their clients at a time and location that is convenient for the client – day, evening or weekend. They provide experience representation in matter of Personal Injury (auto, truck, motorcycle accident), Workers Compensation, Social Security Disability, Criminal Defense (DUI’s, summaries, traffic citations, misdemeanors, felonies & appeals), Bankruptcy, Family Law (Divorce, Custody and Support), Business Law matters, Real Estate settlement including providing Title Insurance, Estate Administration and Estate planning. The attorneys of Mooney & Associates will create a plan to protect your assets now and in the future. They assist Veterans obtain the rights they deserve. Call us today to arrange for an appointment at a convenient time for you in our New Oxford Office!
From North (Harrisburg Area)
Take 15 South to York Springs Exit, go left onto 94 South to Cross Keys, make right on Rt. 30, go to New Oxford circle, go ¼ the way around, and make right onto Carlisle St., go 2 blocks to 115 Carlisle Street. Office will be on the left.
From South (MD Border)
Take MD. Rt. 30 North to PA Rt. 94, which goes through Hanover to Cross Keys, make left onto PA Rt. 30, go to New Oxford circle, go ¼ around circle, make right onto Carlisle St., go 2 blocks to 115 Carlisle Street. Office will be on the left.
From East (Lancaster/Philadelphia Area)
Take Rt. 30 West past Cross Keys intersection to New Oxford circle, go ¼ around circle and make a right onto Carlisle St., go 2 blocks to 115 Carlisle Street. Office will be on the left.
From West (Chambersburg, Gettysburg, Pittsburgh Area)
Take Rt. 30 East to New Oxford circle, go ¾ way around circle and make a right onto Carlisle St. going North, go 2 blocks to 115 Carlisle Street. Office will be on the left.
At circle in the middle of New Oxford, go North on Carlisle Street, go by Immaculate Conception Church (largest building on street) on right and we are a few buildings down on the left side. Free parking along both sides of the street. (White brick, two story building with burgundy trim).